Nik Coppin

Nik Coppin is a mixed race London-based international stand-up comedian.

He has a confident, affable and energetic approach to comedy which is quick to build audience rapport and his versatility is such that he can easily switch from compering to opening and closing sets, and to doing solo shows.

His shows and material range from topics as diverse as race-related issues, animals, superheroes, observations on everyday life, storytelling, and shows that have incorporated his own cartoons and caricatures.

Nik has performed all over the world developing an international fan base through a variety of shows that he also produces.

He is one of the few comedians to enjoy success on both the UK comedy circuit and at international festivals. He has performed at the Edinburgh and Adelaide Fringes, New Zealand and Melbourne International Comedy Festivals, all over Australia, and at the inaugural Hollywood Fringe Festival in Los Angeles.

The shows that he produces and comperes - the late show Shaggers and the family friendly show Huggers - have proved very popular brands over the years and regularly sell out to festival audiences.

Nik is currently developing his critically-acclaimed show Mixed Racist. He often talks about his heritage on stage - his mother is English and his father is from Barbados, but this show marks a slightly new direction for the affable comedian; more relevant, controversial, and thought-provoking, while never straying too far from his friendly comedic roots.

Mixed Racist will be seen at the Australian and New Zealand comedy festivals before it returns to the UK for tour dates throughout 2014, with possible dates in the USA and Caribbean to be announced.

Review quotes:

“Nik Coppin’s carefree comedy and happy-go-lucky nature are irresistible….His rapid-fire style works no matter what the audience….If this sort of comedy is what Nik means by being honest and open, I hope he keeps it up. I can’t wait to learn more about the world from him” 

The Pun, Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2012

"Charmingly hilarious host Nik Coppin’s comedy was effortless; engaging the audience’s attention with almost no effort at all" 

Rip It Up, Adelaide Fringe 2012

“Coppin is clever and manages to captivate the audience at every turn"

"He talks at 100mph and generates an irresistible atmosphere of good old-fashioned fun", Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2010

"Fun and amazing" (4 stars) 

Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2010

"Could Nik Coppin be any more spectacular? Fast paced, witty, fun and amazing, all without any pretension. The guy you want to be seen at, seen with." (5 stars) 

Shaggers show, Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2010

"Amazingly funny stories, wickedly clever insights and a sense of fun that will drag anyone in. Super funny, super fun and charisma up the wazoo, Nik's awesome! 9/10 

Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2009

"The banter is slick and engaging. He goes off on the sort of wild tangents beloved of messers Izzard and Noble", Edinburgh Fringe 2008

"A rapid fire non-stop act full of energy. His hour went so quick, his charming smile and easy manner had the audience eating out of his hand and wanting more. Go and see him" - 9/10 

Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2006

"My Dad has seen Richard Pryor roll out back in the day, and another relative has told me tales of what it was like to see Lenny Bruce both before anyone knew he was as well as Bruce at his prime. I have always been so jealous of them for that. But now, because of what I saw of Coppin's uber-pro performance in Hollywood, I can brag at them as they have at me!" (5 stars) 

Audience member Chortle post, Hollywood Fringe Festival 2010